IR X-Ray Vision Experiments
Experiment #1
- Indoors, under light bulb
- An envelope
- A plastic playing card
- KAYA IR X-Ray Vision Camera
Experiment #2
- A warm, sunny day in July
- A thin, black clothes
- A piece of printed card
- A mobile phone(cell phone) Samsung SCH-V890
- A new KAYA PF5 filter for mobile phone or digital/video cameras(non filter thread)
Experiment #3
- A warm, sunny day in March
- A mannequin dressed in thin, black cloth
- A piece of printed card
- A Sony camcorder 'TR250PK'
- A KAYA 37mm PF4
Here you can see a card with our company name printed on it.
We place the card behind the cloth.
The card is effectively hidden by the cloth. It can't be seen by the human eye, nor by a standard camera.
We attach the KAYA PF4 to the camera lens..
..and now the card is clearly visible through the clothes!
But it gets even better! Here we are spraying the cloth with water..
..the writing becomes clearer through wet cloth, even though it is still invisible without a KAYA PF.
Experiment #4
- A warm, sunny day in March
- An important document
- A bottle of Pilot 'Royal Blue' Ink
- A Sony camcorder ' TR250PK'
- A KAYA 37mm PF4
We 'accidentally' spilt some permanent ink on this document. As you can see, the text is now impossible to read.
However, when the PF is attached to our camera, the writing is clearly legible through the ink.
Note: If the writing doesn't appear clearly here, try adjusting your monitor's brightness and contrast.
Experiment #5
- A hot, bright day in June
- A mannequin dressed in thin, black cloth, sunglasses and lipstick
- A piece of printed card
- A Kodak Digital Camera 'DC120'
- A KAYA 37mm PF4
Without PF4
Here is our mannequin again, wearing sunglasses and lipstick.
With PF4
Shutter speed: 1/60 second
This is our camera's default shutter speed. The cloth becomes see-through, but the image is a little under-exposed.
With PF4
Shutter speed: 1/30 second
If we slow the shutter speed more light gets to the CCD and we get a slightly brighter image.
With PF4
Shutter speed: 1/8 second
With PF4
Shutter speed: 1/4 second
Saturday, June 23, 2012
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